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Why QAP at UC Merced?

Why do we need a “Queer Ally Program” at UC Merced?

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQ+) communities are often the victims of unjustified discrimination and inequities.  A “Queer Ally Program” (QAP) works to diminish such discrimination by establishing a place that is free of stereotypical barriers and promotes appreciation and respect for individuals of all sexuality and gender identities.


Additionally, relevant statistics validate the need for a “Queer Ally Program.”  For instance, according to The Campus Climate Assessment conducted in 2013-2014:

  • 28% of respondents (n = 511) believed that they had personally experienced exclusionary, intimidating, offensive or hostile conduct; 11% of respondents (n = 198) indicated that the conduct interfered with their ability to work or learn at UCM.
  • Differences emerged based on various demographic characteristics including position status, ethnic identity, racial identity, and discipline of study. For example,
    • A higher percentage of genderqueer respondents and women reported experiencing this conduct as compared to men.
    • A higher percentage of LGBQ respondents than heterosexual respondents reported experiencing this conduct.
  • Genderqueer respondents were less comfortable with the overall climate yet more comfortable in their in department/work unit/ academic unit/college/school/clinical settings than were men and women.
  • LGBQ respondents were less comfortable with the overall climate and less comfortable with the climate in their departments/work units than heterosexual respondents. LGBQ respondents were less comfortable in their classes in comparison to heterosexual respondents.

These statistics help to substantiate the need for a “Queer Ally Program.”  Additionally, these alarming statistics help to emphasize the lack of education—in the general public— surrounding LGBTQ+ issues. 


From the UC Merced Final Climate Survey Report 2013-2014